Bafang offers a wide range of different E-bike drive systems for different applications.
Bafang is a big player in the E-bike market and has probably the biggest range of different motor systems and batteries out there.
They offer a lot of different applications to different providers; therefore, every motor system performs differently.
We have created a short guide explaining both Mid-drive & Hub-drive motors, to help you understand the heart of your E-bike.
Mid-DRive motors

Mid-drive motors are connected to the front chain ring and use the bike gears to provide power. They are often smoother than a Hub-drive motor and offer a more natural bike feeling.
Being located in the centre of the bike, a mid-drive motor is more suitable for mountain biking as the weight is nicely centred in the middle and offers a better weight distribution.
Most mid-drive motors have pedal assist only. The amount of assistance is different in every support mode.

How to operate?

Pedal Assist
When riding with pedal assist you decide on the amount of assistance by selecting the preferred mode.
The amount of assist modes ranges from 1 (low) to 5 (high).
In Mode 0, the power is deactivated, and it is only your leg power moving the bike forward.
It will not do any harm to the bike if you ride it while turned off.
Hub-DRive motors

Hub-drive motors, as the name suggests are located in the hub of the rear wheel. Having the motor in the rear hub helps apply the torque directly into a forward motion.
Most hub-drive motors come with pedal assist and a throttle.
How to operate?

The throttle is usually located on the grip or handlebar.
It provides direct power to the motor without needing to pedal.
You simply twist or push the throttle and go!
The harder/further you push the throttle the faster the bike will accelerate.
The amount of power is the same in every mode (1 - 5), however it is deactivated in mode 0.
Having a throttle is super helpful in getting up to speed or getting you home if you are exhausted from a ride.
Riding with the throttle will use more battery power, so make sure to keep an eye on your battery range.

Pedal Assist
When riding with pedal assist you decide on the amount of assistance by selecting the preferred mode.
The amount of assist modes ranges from 1 (low) to 5 (high).
In Mode 0, the power is deactivated, and it is only your leg power moving the bike forward.
It will not do any harm to the bike if you ride it while turned off.
Lights & Walk assist

If your E-bike comes with integrated lights, these can be controlled from the controller (as displayed in the picture).
Some controllers have a specific light button.
If your E-bike doesn't have this, you can activate the light by holding the ( + ) button for a couple of seconds.
WALK Assist
E-bikes are generally heavier than analog bikes. Therefore, walking an
E-bike up the hill can be challenging, especially if you carry a heavy load.
The walk assist is there to make your life easier.
Activate this mode by pressing and holding the minus button.